Colombia Nariño Aponte Village (Honey)
Colombia Nariño Aponte Village (Honey)
Colombia Nariño Aponte Village Honey
COUNTRY: Colombia
REGION: El Tablón de Gómez, Aponte, Nariño
FARM: Aponte Village
FARMER/GROWER: Growers within the Aponte community
VARIETIES: Mixed Colombian varieties
ALTITUDE: 1700-2100 m.a.s.l.
We Taste: Plum, Cacao, Juniper Berry
Description: This unique honey-processed coffee is grown and processed by about 200 smallholders around Aponte in the Nariño department of Colombia. The average size of each farm ranges from about 0.5 to 1.5 hectares and is situated from 1700 to 2100 meters above sea level. Most of the coffee growers belong to the indigenous community of Aponte, from which the local town gets its name.
The community pioneered implementing honey processing in 2017 and has seen great success! The year-round low humidity and temperatures in the area create an ideal microclimate for honey-processed coffees and results in a unique and complex profile.