Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Adorsi (Natural)

Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Adorsi (Natural)

from $9.99

Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Aricha Adorsi Natural

COUNTRY: Ethiopia

REGION: Aricha Woreda, Yirgacheffe Kebele, Gedeo Zone, SNNPR

WASHING STATION: Adorsi Washing Station

FARMER/GROWER: More than 800 smallholder farmers

VARIETIES: Kerume, Heirloom


ALTITUDE: 1900-2150 m.a.s.l.

We Taste: Berry Cooler, Acai, Mango

Description: DESCRIPTION:

More than 800 smallholder family farmers surrounding the Aricha village deliver freshly picked coffee cherries to the nearby Adorsi washing station in the Yirgacheffe district located in the Gedeo zone. Yirgacheffe is often recognized for the extremely high-quality coffees being grown in the rich and fertile district, and this washed coffee is no exception. With elevations exceeding 2100 meters above sea level, the coffee grown in Aricha provides a bright and complex cup with a myriad of floral notes, fresh matcha, caramel, subtle spice a a juicy mango flavor that coats the tongu

The Adorsi washing station is owned and operated by the Yonis family. As part of the quality control process, 85% well-ripe and 10% reddish-unripe and 5% over-ripe cherries are immersed in water to remove any floaters. After removing the floaters, the cherries soaked in water for 12 hours. According to Faysel Abdosh, this technique “helps to initiate the sugar reaction inside the cherry” and results in a sweet honey-like taste in the coffee.

Once the soaking is completed, the cherries are laid to dry on raised beds with a 5cm thickness. The raised beds are located in an area on the site with less sunlight and more wind which results in a slow and even drying process that takes about 28 days to complete.

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